Food allergies in children are on the rise. One reason could be that their parents or grandparents have allergies for which they were never treated. Allergies can be inherited.
Some babies are even allergic to their mother’s milk and a breastfeeding mother may often notice the effects on the baby of what she has been eating.
It is very important to introduce news foods gradually to a baby’s diet. One food at a time is mostly recommended. Otherwise, it is impossible to know what food may be causing a reaction.
Sugars of any kind or in combination should be avoided at all cost. Sugars are one of the most effective allergy-causing substances. They may also create dependency or at least a tendency to sweets and sugary foods. Children will most likely prefer the sweet tastes and always choose sugary foods over healthier foods. This may also cause Candida, called “Thrush” in babies and it can inhibit the children’s physical, emotional and even intellectual development leading to malnutrition, overweight or even obesity.
Some other common allergens are:
- Soy,
- Milk,
- Fish and Shell-fish.
- Nuts, Tree Nuts and Peanuts.
- Wheat and Gluten
Unfortunately, Soy is in many baby formulas but all Soy is non-organic. It is mainly GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) and therefore extremely toxic from herbicides.
Soy per se is not good for babies. It may disturb their hormonal system, especially the male/female hormones.
Some children are allergic to milk, even if they did not display an allergic reaction to their mother’s milk. This may be due to pasteurization of commercial milk. Pasteurization changes the milk’s chemical composition and even if pasteurized milk looks, smells and tastes like milk, it is not really milk. Raw goat or sheep milk are a better alternative.
Today, wheat is used much too often and this has lead to compromised digestive systems and a high degree of gluten/wheat allergy and intolerance. Breakfast alternatives to grain cereals, bread, and French toast should be vegetable juices and some protein or like eggs. If there is an allergy to eggs, treat with The Allergy Kit!
Some of the most common symptoms of food allergies are:
- Face, tongue or lip swelling
- Flushed skin or rash, Hives
- Coughing or wheezing
- Difficulty breathing
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea
In more serious cases, even Anaphylaxis can happen (defined as an acute, potentially life-threatening hypersensitivity reaction, involving the release of mediators from mast cells, basophils and recruited inflammatory cells). Most cases are mild but any anaphylaxis attack has the potential to become life threatening.
Reactions usually happen within minutes but it can take a couple of hours of exposure to the allergen for a person shows signs.
Sometimes kids are labeled as “picky eaters” but they are really suffering from food allergies and if they are forced to eat
something they don't want and then they may throw up. This is not bad behavior, it's food allergies so pay attention to them!
If the mother is treated for allergies when pregnant, the baby will be born without allergies!
Note: A pediatrician in New Zealand advised pregnant women to have zero wheat during pregnancy and their children never suffered from Autism! Something to think about!
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