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Finding Hormone Balance Naturally

Your well-being relies on a complex balance of many hormones, including testosterone, estrogen, adrenaline, insulin, and thyroid hormone. Each of these plays an important role in supporting your body’s functions, but even a slight imbalance in hormone levels can wreak havoc - often in unexpected ways.

Unlock the Secret to Banishing Headaches Naturally!

Are pounding headaches ruining your day and leaving you desperate for relief? Say goodbye to the endless cycle of popping painkillers and welcome a natural solution that tackles the root cause of your chronic headaches. It's time to reclaim your vitality and embrace a life free from the shackles of...

Natural Treatment for Endometriosis: Beyond Medication

Severe pain during your period, bloating, and painful intercourse shouldn’t be accepted as normal. Women experiencing these symptoms could have endometriosis, a condition affecting about 10% of females of reproductive age. Despite its prevalence, endometriosis can be difficult to treat, and it often worsens over time. As a result, endometriosis...

Say Goodbye to Seasonal Allergies with These 9 Natural Remedies

Spring is often characterized as a season of renewal, hope, and rebirth. However, for many, it’s also a season of runny noses, itchy and watery eyes. In fact, about 25% of  North Americans suffer from seasonal allergies, with the spring season being the biggest offender.


Why Does Oral Health Matter? Let me tell you, it's not just about having pearly whites and fresh breath. Nope, nope, nope. Your oral health is linked to a bunch of other health issues you might not expect.

Weight Loss: Why Eating Less and Exercising More Is Not The Answer

If you’re excited to get 2023 off to a good start by getting into better physical shape, you may not be alone. One study found that 48% of people who make new year’s resolutions named “weight loss” as a goal. However, the unfortunate truth is that many of them won’t...

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: What You Need To Know

Everybody experiences fatigue from time to time, whether from a poor sleep or a busy day. While inconvenient, this level of fatigue is not life-disrupting and can usually be resolved with a good night’s rest. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is much different. This complex condition is characterized by profound feelings...

Enjoy The Holidays and Kickstart Your Healthy Habits!

Have you ever found yourself wishing someone “happy holidays” while you feel anything but happy inside?  If so, you’re definitely not alone. While there are certainly many reasons to be joyful at this time of year, it’s also a busy and stressful time. Plus, many of us struggle with comparisons...

Constantly Bloated? Time To Get To The Root Cause

Bloating refers to an excess of gas in the gut. Gasses such as oxygen, CO2, methane, and nitrogen enter the gut as you swallow air, and through the fermentation of foods in your large intestine. A number of factors can cause increased gas in the gut.

Natural Treatments For Eczema

If you suffer from eczema, you probably know how uncomfortable and inconvenient the condition is. Eczema is a common skin condition characterized by itchy, dry, and irritated skin. Thankfully, the symptoms of eczema can be managed through simple home remedies and lifestyle changes.

10 Ways to Improve Insulin Sensitivity

Insulin resistance can be difficult to detect without medical tests. However, its effects can be dangerous if left unchecked. This month we are taking a look at the risks and symptoms of insulin resistance, plus 10 preventative measures you can take to reduce your risks of insulin resistance and increase...

Heavy Metals In the Body: What You Need to Know

Heavy metals are naturally occurring elements that can be found throughout the environment. Given their prevalence in the foods that we eat and even the air we breathe, we are exposed to high levels of heavy metals every day.

10 Ways You Can Optimize Your Mental Fitness

Mental fitness is a concept used to help us enhance our thought patterns and overall mental and cognitive well-being. Just as the body can be strengthened through physical exercise, our minds too can be made more resilient through conscious training and healthy lifestyle practices. By developing an awareness of our...

Functional Lab Testing: Dive Deeper Into Your Health Concerns

Every successful journey needs a good map, so your road to good health needs the data to ensure you will reach your destination. Think of it this way: If you don’t know the root cause of a problem, you don’t know the best starting point and route to follow. A...

Top 10 Superfoods for Longevity

The small choices we make every day add up to a lasting impact on our long-term health. One of the most striking examples of how good decisions lead to good outcomes is the role of our everyday food choices on longevity. Growing research points to the importance of diet on...

Do You Need Supplements? Things To Consider

Do you need to take supplements? The answer isn’t always straightforward. In a perfect world, all the nutrients we need are readily available from a well-rounded diet. However, many other factors come into play. Simply put, today’s world isn’t always conducive to a diet that meets all your needs.