We hear a lot these days about how wheat is not good for us. How can that be?
Wheat is and has been a staple food for so long. How can it not be good for us?
There are many reasons.
Firstly, we didn't eat all white, processed wheat in the old times. Then, the breads were brown, had a lot of fiber, were pretty compact, hard to chew and often fermented.
The grains were ground between stones in the village mill.
The steel mills were introduced over 100 years ago and people started having problems with their digestions. This way of grinding the wheat grains eliminated the minerals and a lot of the fibers.
Later on, they began hybridizing the wheat. Due to the hybridizing that has been going on for over 50 years, 18 new proteins have developed. One of them is gliadin, a protein that works as an opiate. This means that the wheat is habit-forming! This is why people do not want to, or can’t stop eating their pizzas, pastas, and bread, including pastries.
Wheat allergies have manifold signs and symptoms. Gluten sensitivity in particular is caused by elevated levels of antibodies against the gliadin component of Gluten.
When we hear Gluten sensitivities, we think of food allergies and the digestive system, but it is so much more.
When the antibody combines with this gliadin protein, specific genes are turned on in a special type of immune cell in the body.
Once these genes are activated, inflammatory cytokine chemicals collect and can attack the brain. They damage brain tissue and leave the brain vulnerable to dysfunction and disease.
Another problem with anti-gliadin antibodies is that they can directly combine with specific proteins found in the brain that looked like the gliadin protein found in Gluten-containing foods, but the anti-gliadin antibodies just can't tell the difference.
No wonder that elevated cytokines is seen in Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and even Autism.
Research has even shown that some people, who are wrongly diagnosed with ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, simply have sensitivity to Gluten, and eliminating it from their diet resolves the symptoms.
In an article in the Lancet from 1966, it was reported that: ”Our data suggest that Gluten sensitivity is common in patients with neurological disease of unknown cause and may have etiological significance.”
People with this type of sensitivity can have issues with brain function without having any gastrointestinal problems whatsoever!
In reality, this means that every person who has a neurological disease that is unexplainable should be tested for wheat allergies.
This also goes for people who are depressed.
Patients with for example schizophrenia improved when they were put on a grain free, specifically wheat free diet. In many of them, symptoms disappear.
Try the Gluten Free diet; there is nothing to lose other than a couple of pounds!
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